Email Clients and SMTP Settings
All too often we see email clients being updated by software companies and said updates either change or wipe out the user's SMTP settings. If this has happened to you, or if you just need the settings, CLICK HERE for shortcuts to screenshots and settings information.
All items below this point are full guides for setting up an email address in an email client.
Outlook Express - Settings needed for your Windstream hosted email in Outlook Express.
Windows 8 Mail - Step by step instructions for Windstream hosted email with this program.
Outlook 2003 - Older Outlook? No problem! Follow these instructions.
Outlook 2007 - Your guide for Windstream hosted email in Outlook 2007.
Outlook 2010 - Setting up your email in Outlook 2010.
Mac Mail - Mac Mail with Windstream hosted email.
iOS 6 Mail - iOS 6 Mail with Windstream hosted email.
iOS 7 Mail - iOS 7 Mail with Windstream hosted email.
iOS 11 Mail - If you have upgraded to iOS 11.
K9 - The Windstream suggested Android mail app.
Thunderbird - Settings information for this nice alternative email program.